Project: DLE...Digitial Learning Environments

In a Galaxy Far Far Away...Before Retirement...

A promotional video on the three Arkansas Dept of Educations' digital environments...

  • IDEAS -For Educators -- Professional Development, a closed system for Arkansas educators only.
  • Arkansas on iTunes U - digital content for teachers to teach and students to learn, connected to the world via iTunes.
  • MyDigitalSandbox - A new collaborative environment for digital media for schools, teachers, students, parents; with social networking elements within Arkansas schools.


Brief description of project: A miniature world built of paper, featuring the voice of a female traveler/digital explorer ( who represents the "teacher down the hall") who will share her adventures in each of the three DLE's. Incuded in this production will be short video clips, original music and mulitple scenes on a small rotating stage. Elements include animation in the video clips, 3-D paper sculptures, and the narrator as a 6" high action figure.

Design of production stage (figure on stage is a model, not actual character.)

"DLE Video"

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"Technology In The Classroom"

Short Flash Animation for an online course.

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